Hemant Kothari Impact of Social Media Marketing on iGen Consumer Buying Behaviour of White Goods
Author's Name : Hemant Kothari Impact of Social Media Marketing on iGen Consumer Buying Behaviour of White Goods
Journal Name : MET Management Review
Volume : 9
Year of Publication : 2022
Abstract :
The industry has witnessed the unprecedented changes in the marketing competitive landscape over the past few years. People across the globe have drastically enhanced and integrated themselves to the new digital life. Furthermore the amplifying technological advancement and the disposable income are substantially enabling the consumers to shift for the consumer durable smart appliances. This has further boosted the demand for the consumer durable white goods. At the same time the businesses also had to and are still thriving on the Digital and Social Media platforms to not only survive but also endeavouring to grasp the attention of the customers to engage. Maintaining relationship with the existing customer, increasing brand equity and constantly encouraging them to stay with a company is a dynamic and conscientious work. Therefore, it is crucial to gain knowledge about the consumer behaviour for creating innovative marketing strategies, accessing consumers in a cost effective way and to dominate in the competitive market. Hence, the organisations should adopt and adapt the overwhelming change in marketing climate to meet the needs of broader audience in the multiple platforms.